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Ledger’s security update: Disable blind signing to improve user protection

Blind Signing

Security Improvement Need

Ledger, a dominant hardware wallet manufacturer that provides a crucial update in data security, said it will disable blind signing for Ethereum Virtual machines (EVMs) Decentralized applications (dapps) this June. It took this step after an exploit that allowed hackers to steal 600 million USD worth of cryptocurrency simply by exploiting blind signing vulnerabilities​.

Understanding Blind signing

Blind signing provisions for users to verify the details of a transaction before approving them. Even though this might seem convenient for users who are more advanced, it poses some risk of intrusion and vulnerability that bad actors can take advantage of. By disabling blind signing, users will have to check every transaction before they commit. It makes transactions safer but means more work for users​.

Response and Future Strategy of Ledger

This move by Ledger again shows its determination to safeguard users’ data and funds. The company expects that manual scrutiny of transactions will prevent similar incidents in future. Ledger has also hinted that it will continue seeking out extra security features which can be applied to the rapidly developing crypto space​​.


This update is a crucial step toward to making digital currency systems more secure. Users are encouraged to keep themselves informed about these changes and adjust to these changes.

As this industry grows, measures like this are likely to be crucial to maintaining the stability and peace for users.


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