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Binance Executive ‘Suffering Immensely’ as Nigeria Authorities Withhold Health Records

Binance executive

in a touching appeal by Yuki Gambaryan, wife of the Binance executive in detention; She claims he is ‘in great agony’ after Nigerian officials failed to make available the essential health documents. “My innocent husband should be released soon” – Wife urges Nigerian authorities to act fast in this disturbing situation.

The family of a Binance senior executive being detained in a Nigerian jail appealed to the country’s prison officials reiterating the denial of their request for his health records.

The health of Gambaryan is one of the major contention points in the ongoing standoff as Binance continues to find itself on opposing ends with local Nigerian authorities.

The American’s family has said his condition only worsened in prison and he was experiencing numbness on one of his feet as well as chronic back pain. He was also said to have been diagnosed of double pneumonia and malaria while in prison.

Earlier this year, Nigeria had taken a more stringent stance of cryptocurrency exchanges when its central bank governor publicly derided Binance for alleged currency manipulation and processing illegal transactions.

Gambaryan, the head of financial crime compliance for Binance, and Nadeem Anjarwalla who is the regional Africa director were arrested on February 28 after meeting with officials in order to seek resolution as regards the regulatory concerns raised.

Anjarwalla has since escaped custody and left the country, but Gambaryan is reportedly still being detained. The charges against him include financial misconduct and operating a crypto exchange without regulatory approval by Economic Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC).

The IRS withdraws The Tax Charges against Binance

The Nigerian Internal revenue service is withdrawing its charges against the two Binance executives over potential cases of violating exchange use laws and will turn all of their attention to investigating the crypto platform.

The Gambaryan case has cast light on the growing regulatory pressure Binance is currently experiencing. It comes just as particularly tough financial regulators found within other territories are beginning to take a closer look at the exchange platform’s operations.

Nigeria has insisted that Gambaryan had broken its laws and will remain in custody. His defense, however, has repeatedly maintained that his incarceration is unjust and that he is being falsely implicated amid a wide-ranging regulatory crackdown on cryptocurrency businesses.


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