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Learn about the major security breach on Velocore and the implications for DeFi. Find out how a hacker managed to siphon off millions in ETH.

Metallica hack

Event Description

A major security breach has been exposed for Velocore, one of the leading veDEX protocols running on zkSync Era and Linea. The hack, which sent a considerable part of an estimated 450 ETH to Tornado Cash, sends shockwaves across the DeFi community as this unfolds the constant vulnerabilities these decentralized financial platforms expose themselves to.

Hack Details

With well-sketched-out plans, the hacker managed to siphon off 1,807 ETH, valued at that time at around $6.88 million. A little over 24 hours later, the stolen funds were passed to Tornado Cash, a known Ethereum network mixing service鈥攆alsifying the source as it got to thousands of different wallets.

Technical Breakdown

Velocore’s security team found how the attack was carried out flawlessly. The exact vulnerabilities were not shared by the security team, which some other malicious attacker could have made use of. However, they were considered advanced methods to get past the protocol’s security to protect the interests of others reading the article. The use of Tornado Cash demonstrated that they were perfectly prepared and thoroughly knowledgeable about blockchain anonymizing software.

DeFi Ecosystem Impact

What’s happening with this incident is a hell of a reminder of the security trouble that still eclipses decentralized finance. In the end, DeFi protocols are still being brought down by hackers who find the many assets they administer to be all too attractive for their inglorious deeds. The hack on Velocore has reignited community discussions about the requirement for more vigorous security frameworks and the importance of a continuous process of security audits.

The financial impact of the hack is heavy, not only in terms of lost assets but also in terms of the breach of trust and confidence previously bestowed upon Velocore and DeFi entities of a similar nature by the users and investors. This has a massive implication for reputation and future operations under the protocol.

Velocore’s Response


Velocore responded quickly in the wake of the hack. The team has been trying to trace the hacker’s movements using the transparency of the blockchain. That result means there may still be clues left, no matter the anonymizing effects that Tornado Cash will produce, which will be followed down by Velocore’s security experts.
Velocore has also turned to a new, avant-garde practice in the DeFi space: the on-chain negotiating process. It sets off direct dialogue with the hacker, possibly by a set of transactions over blockchain, and it might even put a bounty or some other enticement out for the return of the stolen funds. This has had varying success in the past but is a proactive way of dealing with the aftermath of these types of breaches.

Community and Security Improvements

The incident has served as a wake-up call for Velocore. And it is now taking actions to further inculcate into the platforms the safeguards needed to fight off future attacks, such as:

Enhanced Security Audits: Engaging third-party security firms to perform thorough protocol audits.

Bug Bounty Programs: A reward offered to a white-hat hacker capable of identifying and reporting vulnerabilities before a lousy actor exploits them. User Education: Making additional efforts to educate users about best practices in security, including during personal security measures.

What We Know

The Velocore hack is one of the latest events that most underpin the need to keep abreast of ongoing perils in a fast-evolving DeFi space. While the immediate focus of such incidents remains on asset recovery and the avoidance of further breaches, a higher-order and overarching lesson can be drawn: security practices must stay continuously vigilant and innovative in the face of growing threats to the DeFi ecosystem. Mechanisms to protect it should grow along with the increasing threats it faces. A note of hope is sounded by the proactive response of the Velocore team to improve security measures, but the incident also stands as a harsh reminder: in decentralized finance, security is not a destination but a continuous journey.


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