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Massie Proposes Legislation to Dismantle the Federal Reserve, Inspired by Bitcoin’s Article

Bitcoin, federal reserve, Massie


US representative Thomas Massie incorporated some of the themes found in print related to Bitcoin into a bill aimed at abolishing the Federal Reserve. This idea is aimed at doing away with the central banking systems in the United States of America.

The Bitcoin Proposal

Legislation: The Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act is the bill proposed by Rep. Thomas Massie. It aims to eliminate the Federal Reserve Board as well as the Federal Reserve banks and to revoke the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.

Rationale: According to Massie, the Federal Reserve is a political creature which makes our currency worth less through debt monetization and inflation. He argues that ending the Fed would help Americans by stabilizing the value of their dollar.

Inspiration from Bitcoin

Influence: Massie’s proposal appears very much influenced by Bitcoin community and literature. Massie’s vision, which aligns with the Bitcoin ideology of decentralization and financial independence, is in tandem with the financial system in which an institutional central bank does not exist.

The Book: A book specifically about Bitcoin, which delves into the basic ideas behind decentralized finance and the critique of centralized monetary structures, has strongly influenced Massie’s views.

Market and Political Reactions

Market Impact: The introduction of the bill has stirred conversation among financial markets, particularly for Bitcoin and cryptocurrency advocates who are in support of decentralization.

Political Debate: The proposal has sparked debate about what institution in the US should oversee monetary policy. Some legislators argue for auditing or abolishing the Fed, while others say that these steps could have various adverse impacts on the economy.

Bitcoin federal reserve massie

Transparency Act: With the abolition act, Massie has also proposed the Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2023. A bill that calls for the audit of the Fed. This bill was first introduced by former Rep. Ron Paul in 2009.

Public Opinion: A public survey conducted by Massie uncovered significant support for eliminating the Fed. In an online poll with over 115,000 responses, 86% agreed and only 14% disagreed.


By using Bitcoin and its core principles for inspiration, Rep. Massie’s attempt to abolish the Federal Reserve in America seems like an important step in ongoing discussions on monetary policy and the role of central banking. Despite substantial difficulties yet to be overcome, this proposal places decentralised finance in the mainstream of political conversation.


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