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Basics of Cryptocurrency (Alt Coins and Bitcoin)


Bitcoin is widely accepted and known to be the first cryptocurrency and the oldest of all cryptocurrencies.

Altcoins are all other cryptocurrencies that came later to date.

Altcoins are alternative cryptocurrencies to Bitcoin.

Bitcoin is a progenitor to every other cryptocurrency launched.

The rise of cryptocurrency has changed the outlook of physical or traditional finance, and ushers in a new digital asset or currency.

Bitcoin leads every other coin or Altcoins but, each with its unique attributes and promises.

In this article, we will consider minor distinctions, between Bitcoin and Altcoins, their advantages and disadvantages, and some slight consideration for investment in these assets.

Bitcoin: Cryptocurrency Great Pioneer 

Bitcoin is the first ever decentralised digital asset. It makes it the first-ever digital finance in its era.

As a pioneer, it became a foundation where all other Altcoins were built on the ecosystem today.

Functioning and Security

Bitcoin solely relies on blockchain technology for its operation or function, which now records all transactions on the public ledger.

To ensure the security of the network, mining is a competitive process of validating transactions through Proof-of-Work consensus.

Bitcoin Effect on the Current Economy

As the largest cryptocurrency, it has maintained the largest market capitalization and share amongst all cryptocurrencies.

It is considered the overall health of the crypto market. The best work to use is a “perfect key indicator” in the crypto market.

Subject to price decline, bitcoin has maintained a long time of upward trend indication, attracting the interest of many institutional investors and individual investors who are looking to diversify their crypto portfolio and space.

Advantages of Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin

Bitcoin has benefited from its long-term history as the first cryptocurrency with strong security and reliability.

It inspires confidence, because of its robustness to have withstood attacks and as the most tested Cryptocurrency.

Bitcoin blockchain is considered one of the best, if not the safest.

Bitcoin, as the most liquidity cryptocurrency, has the largest number of trading peer-to-peer available in its market.

Bitcoin can keep and sustain its value for a long period. Often dubbed as the “digital gold”.

Disadvantages of Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin

Factors like regulatory development, institutional change in adoption and market sentiment can foster significant fluctuations in bitcoin assets.

Inherent Bitcoin design technical limitations mean that the network has the potential to only process a limited amount of transactions per second.

Altcoins and its Potential Risk

Altcoins diversified into other means by which they can record more gains beyond simple financial transactions, e.g., Litecoin.

They offer and present innovative use cases like decentralised finance platforms, NFTs, which can predictively make gains.

Altcoins market volatility can be said to be higher than that of bitcoin.

Proper consideration of the coin technical strength of the development team, strategic partnership and user community.

An in-depth analysis of its fundamentals is important to discovering Altcoins with potential growth and sustainability.

Adoptable Strategy in Cryptocurrency Investment

Investment in the cryptocurrency requires that the investor prepares to diversify its investment portfolio.

Diversification, spreading your investment between Bitcoin, and other various Altcoins, can variably reduce the significance of market volatility to your portfolio.

Risk Management is a significant factor to consider, especially in a market that is as unpredictable as Cryptocurrencies. 

Preparation to adjust positions is considerable by investors, set stop-loss order. This helps investors to curtail losses.

Investors are advised to invest as they can be able to lose.


For anyone who’s seeking to enter the crypto market, a basic understanding is what you need to get started.

With the robustness of Bitcoin, it provides a secure and reliable Blockchain technology.

For investors, thorough research and analysis of the cryptocurrency is essential for safe investment.


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