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Best Practices for Keeping Your Cryptocurrency Safe

Both blockchain technology and its resultant cryptocurrencies have continued to leverage their promise of enhanced security as a main selling point. But with a rapidly evolving landscape, it has become evident that vulnerabilities do in fact still exist. Many have lost big amounts of cryptocurrency in breaches such as mishandling of private keys, exchange hacks, and sophisticated phishing scams.

Owning cryptocurrency is like being a bank but with none of the underpinnings: no insurance, no second chances. The onus is on you to double down on security. First, you need to understand what the potential vulnerabilities are. It’s rarely the blockchain itself that’s at risk; it’s the platforms and wallets that manage your assets. If a single hacker gets into your wallet or exchange, your money might be irrecoverably compromised.

The more you go deep down into the world of crypto, the more the selection of the right digital wallet becomes important. Choose proven suppliers known for their high level of security. But picking a safe wallet is just step one. Here are some of the essential practices any crypto enthusiast should adopt:

  • Spread Storage

Spread your crypto across multiple storages and balance between hot (online) and cold (offline) wallets. A Trezor or Ledger cold wallet is disconnected from the internet, hence acting as a bulwark against online threats.

  • Secure Your Devices

Secure all devices interacting with your cryptocurrency, starting from smartphones to computers. Keep off public Wi-Fi, be cautious with automatic updates, and strengthen login with two-factor authentication (2FA).

  • Update only when necessary

It is very important to update often for the sake of security, of course. Be very careful of automatic updates; make sure to check each and every one. Sometimes, they can be a veiled threat.

  • Backups of Private Keys

Keep your private keys and wallet recovery phrases secure and make backups, storing them offline in a secure location – such as a safe deposit box at the bank – to keep them safe from theft, disasters, or accidental loss.

  • Beware of Phishing Scams

It’s one of the most common ways a cybercriminal can get to you. Be wary of emails, links, or websites that want you to enter your wallet or ask for personal details. Confirm the legitimacy of such requests.

  • Transaction Information

Cross-verify the cryptocurrency address not less than two times before making any transaction. Infection can change the clipboard data in order to transfer the payment to the thief’s address.

  • Use secure connections

Anytime one is visiting web wallets, the website should be secure. One should look for URL addresses which start with HTTPS and a padlock, which means one has a secure connection.

  • Limit Cryptocurrency on Exchanges

While most exchanges are relatively safe, the best practice is to keep only the amount needed for trading on the exchange and transfer the rest to private wallets.

  • Keep Your Holdings Private

Keep your holdings in cryptocurrency to yourself. This is a no brainer because the amount one has is something that should be kept secret, as revealing it can make you a target for theft.


With such protections in place, you greatly enhance the protection of your investments in cryptocurrency. Proactive steps will ensure not only the security of your financial future but will keep your mind at peace in the ever-changing world of crypto trading.

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