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INITIA TESTNET GUIDE: The Detailed Lowdown

Initia is a blockchain network designed to enhance the cross-chain experience through Interwoven rollups and Omnitia Architecture. Initia leverages Celestia’s data availability infrastructure which reduces the complexities involved in managing multiple blockchains by developers and users .

Initia’ s layer 1 coordinates security , liquidity, routing and interoperability using the Opint Stack, a virtual machine -agnostic optimistic rollup framework , enabling secure scaling of rollups leveraging Cosmos SDK and CometBFT in EVM ,Move and WasmVM environments.

It has its layer 2 chain , Minitas that offers high performance and flexibility with staking and enshrined liquidity ,atomically fetchable oracles , instant bridging and fiat-on-ramps and many more .Initia uses the MoveVM ,first integration of Move Smart Contract compatible with Cosmos’ IBC protocol.

Initia Airdrop

Initia FDN raised $7.5m in a funding round led by Delphi lead ,Hack VC , Big Brain Holdings and an Undisclosed amount from Binance Labs. Initia has launched an 8-week Incentivized Testnet campaign and many speculate to be the next big airdrop in the crypto space.

Positioning for Initia Airdrop

I.) Connect to the Initia Site

2.) Request Faucet

3.) Get Username

4.) Complete Other Task

  • Swap Init to USDC/ETH/TIA
  • Stake Init to Validator
  • Stake Init Lp to a validator
  • Claim staking reward

5.) Mint Init Nft


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Crypto news, Defi news, Web3 news, Blockchain news, Trading bots