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Particle Network Airdrop: The Cross-chain Settlement and Coordination Layer

Particle Network’s modular Layer1 powers chain abstraction , making sure the process of interacting with a multi chain ecosystem is hidden from users . It acts as a settlement and coordination layers for users across different chains , creating a multi-chain experience that resembles the unified liquidity and sovereignty of a single chain.

Particle’s wallet abstraction boast about 17 Million Users , 900 dApps and $2B across 56 chains , uniquely positioning Particle network to have chain abstraction enabled .

Airdrop Task

1.) Set up Account

  • Firstly, Set-Up your account Link:
  • Invite Code : 4OIXVS
  • Click on “Join Now” Button
  • Login With Social or Wallet
  • Connect Your Twitter & follow their page
  • Connect Your Discord & Join the Discord server
  • Finally, click on the “Universal account”
Particle Network Join Page

2.) Getting Testnet Tokens

  • Use Alchemy to get Sepolia eth :
  • Claim faucet : You will need at least 0.001 eth on mainnet to claim

3.) Deposit Universal Gas

4.) Check-In

  • You will get 100 points for daily check-in
  • Go to
  • Click check in
  • Check-in daily so you do not lose your streak
  • You will need some eth on your particle network to perform this task
  • Ensure you have sent eth from your Sepolia to your particle wallet

5.) Make Transactions

  • Go to task 3 and click open wallet
  • Open your particle wallet and switch to sepolia
  • Send any amount of ETH from your particle wallet using USDG as Gas
  • For each completed transaction, you will earn 50 points (max. 100 times/day).


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