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Positoning for Amnis Retroactive Airdrop

Amnis Finance, leveraging the Aptos blockchain, introduces a liquid staking solution designed to enhance the utility of APT tokens. Amnis Finance’s liquid staking is a cutting-edge approach. By depositing APT tokens with Amnis, users can keep their assets liquid, ensuring they’re not tied up and can be utilized across various DeFi platforms. This adaptability sets Amnis apart in the DeFi sector, presenting an appealing choice for token holders.

I think the Aptos chain has been severly undefarmed and the community hasn’t been popping like what we see in Solana chain . In terms of tech , I think Aptos beats solana hands down. You can imagine Amnis being the largest staking platform on Aptos having less than 200k Users and just 122million dollars TVL accounting for more than 25% of total value locked on Aptos . Giving a a pretty nice increase in TVL of Aptos in last few months mostly due to their galaxe quest and rumors of possible airdrop although price of aptos has been lagging behind.

Aptos TVL
Amnis Users

Aptos has almost double the valuation of Celestia(3 billion dollars)which has more active stakers about 400k almost 2x that of aptos . With Aptos holding a very large chunk of tokens left for the community . I think Aptos is a no-brainer many are still sleeping on.

How to Participate in the Amnis Finance Retroactive Airdrop?

. Download Pontem wallet , Petra or Martian wallet

Amnis Tasks

1 . Mint & Stake :Mint and stake your tokens to earn points based on the amount staked.

  • Input any amount you want to use to stake and click mint and stake .

2 . Hold : Holding amAPT/stAPT in your wallet will accumulate points hourly.

Input any amount of amApt and stApt and click stake . If you don’t have amApt you can get from liquid swap :

3. Providing Liquidity : You’re going to provide liquidity on liquid swap and pancake swap .

For Pancake swap : You will first go to farms and Select Apt /amApt pair

Click on it and then click Get amApt-Ap LP you need to get the LP tokens first before you can stake in pool

Click Get amApt-AptLp

Input what you want to supply and click supplyOnce you’re done come back to the farm and click on Ampt-Apt and click stake

To provide for liquid swap

– Select the amApt /Apt pool and click add liquidity

4. Lending : You can decide to lend in three applications for this guide I’ll only lend in Aries but you can lend in any you like . Make sure you lend your stApt

5. Mint NFT : Last task is to Ensure you mint and stake your NFT from amnis and also ensure you stake it . You can also invite your friends for benefits

Indeed this is largest Defi platform on aptos in terms of TVL and we can imagine with this retroactive campaign how much will be airdropped to each user .


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